This blog is for teachers, principals and other stakeholders who are part of the Attalim Schools' Professional Learning Community. This is a space for sharing success stories, student work, readings, reflections, questions and ideas. We hope this blog will encourage on-going dialogue, collaborative learning and professional growth, even as we focus our efforts on improving student learning.

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Thursday, 9 January 2014

Celebrating Success

Today, we asked all teachers to present one success story from their classroom. They had to talk about one strategy that they used in the class from the last PD module. They had to describe how this strategy promoted student learning and present student work as evidence. Here, Zaineb from NTHS shares how she successfully used graphic organizers to engage students in writing an essay on the advantages or disadvantages of junk food.

She also had students do a peer-assessment. Students had to read each other's drafts and give one point of appreciation, one point of suggestion and one doubt. VERY well structured! A comment by a student in the evidence she provided was, ""I would like to suggest that when your going in favour of fast food, don't include the disadvantages, it takes the persuasion away." If this is not HOT then what is?

Module 2 Day 1- Mumbai

Monday, 6 January 2014

Using Anticipation Guides in the Classroom

                                           Anticipation Guide by fatema Katib