This blog is for teachers, principals and other stakeholders who are part of the Attalim Schools' Professional Learning Community. This is a space for sharing success stories, student work, readings, reflections, questions and ideas. We hope this blog will encourage on-going dialogue, collaborative learning and professional growth, even as we focus our efforts on improving student learning.

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Tuesday 3 February 2015


Since years,watching a boy,Ali Akbar,struggling,slow learner.His hand writing was so poor that what he writes no one can read or  even understand.
    He was opinionated against him but I decided to persuade him to change.I started giving him writing practice daily. Initially found it hopeless.Years passed and the day came and I saw a miracle.
      Pre Board result declared and to my great surprise his performance was improved.Not only his writing improved but it was clearly understandable.I wonder how miraculously it happened.
     Learning takes time.Each n every child in the class has different grasping level.Teacher teach a topic to whole class but not understand by everyone
    I keep patience.I give children time,listen them again and again,don't scold if they make mistake.Motivation is the key element to encourage the students.
    So friends,wait and watch"Slow and steady wins the race."


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