This blog is for teachers, principals and other stakeholders who are part of the Attalim Schools' Professional Learning Community. This is a space for sharing success stories, student work, readings, reflections, questions and ideas. We hope this blog will encourage on-going dialogue, collaborative learning and professional growth, even as we focus our efforts on improving student learning.

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Tuesday 24 June 2014

My Success Story

Sharing my success story as in a video with the evidences.

Do take a look and comment.

Application of the strategies, that were taught in the previous Udaipur Attalim PD Workshop, in School as well as in my class.

 Click on this link to see this video on YouTube.

This video composites:
1) Implementations in the school.
  • Already shared on this blogspot
  • Input rich classroom
  • POL(Principles Of Learning) Training module in the school
  • English Remedial Class
2) What I Applied
  • Graphic Organizers
  1. Mind Mapping
  2. 5 steps of writing (writing strategy)
3) Activities Applied..!
  • Think Pair Share (Guided Discussion)
  • Timed Pair Share
  • Strategy- I agree
  • Clear Instructions
4) Last and Best
  • Assessment and Evaluation Considerations- A story of slow learner, how he had remembered, grasped and then had recited orally a chapter from the novel, The adventures of Tom Sawyer in a proper sequence with great intonations.
Please give me your valuable feedback.

1 comment:

Reniscience Education said...

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