Reflection Note on Science-Exhibition
On 21st nov 2013 we
held science exhibition in our school we gave students four topics on which
they had to work ( grade 4th
to 10th) The topics were 1) Energy 2) Electricity 3) Pollution 4)Environment
did research work they prepared models. They come up with new ideas which were
mind blowing. we encouraged them by asking questions on their prepared topics.
They had prepared it so well that were giving answers to each & every
questions some of them were working models also.
Judges appreciated their work
& give them prizes accordingly. Judgment was based on explanation, model
prepared & on norms.
Students of grade 5 prepared working model of water wheel which was in
their syllabus some of them prepared classic models on electricity &
pollution. Students of grade 6 to 8 had prepared working models on
Hydroelectric power plant & on Wind energy. Some made models on body parts
& diseases related due to malfunctioning of particular organ.
Some students had made models on
Global warming, Green house effect & explained effects of these on
environment, Living & non- living things.
So according to Kolb’s theory of
experiential learning
1st stage- student did
research work this was their Concrete Experience.
2nd stage- Visitors
cross questioned on their prepared topics was Reflective observation.
3rd stage- Students
came up with new ideas & learned through their own experiences was Abstract
4th stage- They observed
peer’s work & decided to correct themselves in future that was active
by zainab ali science teacher
1 comment:
Oh!!!! This is SO exciting!! The photos look amazing and I wish, i wish I could have come. I have a request, could you ask students to do a written reflection on the PROCESS? Things like: 1. What did they enjoy the most, where did they struggle the most, what would they do differently, what did they learn about themselves, etc? You can guide the reflection and then you could scan or photograph some of their reflections and post them here!
Thank you Zainab!
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