Teacher's response: In this lesson I showed a video regarding cell structure and its functions. Then I posed some questions regarding the video like - "Who discovered cell?", "What is multi-cellular and uni-cellular?", "What are the similarities and differences between plant & animal cell?"
Then I used word web to identify the components of cell particles. Then I discussed about the cell structure and functions of its components. Then I asked students to pose clarifying questions and I wrote them on a chart paper and divided the whole class in to 2 groups and through discussions in each group students tried to answer the clarifying questions.
Then I distributed placards in the class (1 for each student) on which different names and components of cells were written. Each student had to come up in front of the class and perform a role play. For example - Cell Wall, Nucleus etc.
Then I used word web to identify the components of cell particles. Then I discussed about the cell structure and functions of its components. Then I asked students to pose clarifying questions and I wrote them on a chart paper and divided the whole class in to 2 groups and through discussions in each group students tried to answer the clarifying questions.
Then I distributed placards in the class (1 for each student) on which different names and components of cells were written. Each student had to come up in front of the class and perform a role play. For example - Cell Wall, Nucleus etc.
Great lesson. Sounds really engaging! I love the use of video as a concrete experience. I also like that you actually USED the video to generate questions and create a word web (which is nothing but reflective observation). But My favorite part is that you asked the students themselves to discuss and clarify the questions (abstract conceptualization).
I have three questions:
I am not sure what you mean by a role play on a cell organelle? DI d you mean a presentation? How do you do a role play on cytoplasm?
When you say you divided the class into TWO groups to answer the questions, isn't that too big a group? Could you have made smaller groups perhaps?
If you had to include an application of this lesson (the last stage of Kolb's), what could you do?
Teacher's response:
Thank you for your comments.
Firstly the role play was actually more like a presentation where the student enacted the component of the cell and describing their features.
Secondly there are in all 21 students in the class and each group consisted 10-11 students. I didn't found any chaos in doing this discussion.
I will comment on the last question later on.
Thank you
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