This blog is for teachers, principals and other stakeholders who are part of the Attalim Schools' Professional Learning Community. This is a space for sharing success stories, student work, readings, reflections, questions and ideas. We hope this blog will encourage on-going dialogue, collaborative learning and professional growth, even as we focus our efforts on improving student learning.

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Thursday 20 November 2014

Topic pressure due to liquids class 8 sc. dep. BBN pratapgarh

Studets are able to demonstrate that liquid exert pressure by doing activity.They are making  prediction & then after doing experiment they did observation & conclusion                                             teacher's reflection : students are coming in class with extra preparation of topic ,they are doing experiment, discussing &finding conclusion.All were active in classrroom


Reniscience Education said...

Thank you for sharing this. I am happy to see you giving concrete experiences to kids. I am not clear about your LO though. I am not clear what the EXPERIMENT was... Also, it would have been nice to see photos of what the kids were writing, or what questions they were answering.

How could you rephrase your LO so that it is not focussed on the ACTIVITY but rather on a skill?

Unknown said...

LO:students are able to predict pressure exerted by liquid at different and same depth. The experiment is related to LO .On one bottle 3 holes at different level & on other bottle 3 holes at same level .flow of water at different speed from bottle 1 &flow of water at same speed from bottle 2 Students first predict the outcomes &then resemble it with result from experiment From the LO students can ans why walls of dam are thick from bottom with respect to top