This blog is for teachers, principals and other stakeholders who are part of the Attalim Schools' Professional Learning Community. This is a space for sharing success stories, student work, readings, reflections, questions and ideas. We hope this blog will encourage on-going dialogue, collaborative learning and professional growth, even as we focus our efforts on improving student learning.

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Tuesday, 25 November 2014

School: Mohammediyah School Mandsaur
Grade 10
Teacher: Mr Khuzema Ghadyali
Lesson: Mensuration

The students have made cylinder with chart paper using mathematical strategies and were able to calculate the total surface area and volume of the cylinder.


Reniscience Education said...

Thank you for posting this! Looks like a very engaging activity requiring lots of problem solving skills.

Could you please share WHAT ideas they used to calculate the surface area?
Did different groups do it differently?
We would REALLY benefit from seeing that- how did children solve this problem in different ways? Do you have videos or student work related o that? Or could you please do another problem solving lesson and post the student discussions/ work, etc?

murtaza said...

Can you please mention the Learning Outcome of this activity?